Aufstiegsrunde zur 3. Liga

Germany League level: Play-Offs
Aufstiegsrunde zur 3. Liga
  • Number of teams: 2 teams
  • Players: 56
  • Foreigners: 8 Players  14.3%
  • ø-Market value: €129k
  • ø-Age: 23.0
  • Most valuable player: Muhammed Damar  €700k
deadline-day banner

Overall market value change in all clubs in Aufstiegsrunde zur 3. Liga

This overview shows the development of the total market value of the clubs in the competition. It is possible to select a cut-off date to compare the market values.

Cut-off date:
#wappenClubLeague as atApr 15, 2024Value Apr 15, 2024Squad size Apr 15, 2024Current valueCurrent squad sizeDifference%
  Total value of all clubs: €6.53m55€7.20m  56€675k10.3 %
1Hannover 96 IIRegionalliga Nord€3.75m3233€600k16.0 %
2Würzburger KickersRegionalliga Bayern€2.78m2323€75k2.7 %

Overall market value trend